A Must Have Conference Event Checklist


Managing a corporate conference event can be daunting and stressful. Everything has to be perfect. And nothing can wrong. However, if you try approaching this task in a systematic and organized manner then it isn’t that difficult and challenging.

The best way to perfect a conference event planning is to remember the key elements. That’s why a checklist is so helpful. You can keep this checklist with you throughout the event and keep checking things off as they’re done.

Here’s how you should make an effective checklist that can spare the event from getting ruined.

The Venue

Deciding the venue and then carrying on with the planning over there will take most of your time. Here’s a list of to-do things regarding the venue that should be on your checklist:

  • Checking how much the venue is costing. Is it falling under the budget or not?
  • Checking and confirming the availability of the venue on the event date.
  • Checking if the ambience of the room or the hall is perfect for the event or not.
  • Checking and confirming the seating capacity of the venue.
  • Is there a need to arrange more than one room for the event? If the company is hosting different workshops you might need more rooms. Also, you may need another room in order to accommodate the VIP guests.
  • Checking the audiovisual equipment before the big day.
  • Inspect the parking space of the venue. It shouldn’t be a problem for the attendees of the conference.
  • Checking the conditions of restrooms, kitchen and the bar.

The Activities:

Your checklist must include a timeline of the activities that are to take place in the event. You should also have a time estimate for each activity along with a margin for some unforeseen delays and problems. Following should be timed on your checklist in order to ensure smooth flow of activities:

  • Introduction
  • Workshops
  • Guest speaker session
  • Breaks and lunch
  • Closing statement
  • Q&A session
  • After party or dinner

Onsite Advertising

The company that’s hosting the conference event will have to display its name and logo in various mediums. Following marketing aspects of the event must be on your checklist:

  • Banners and posters
  • Digital signage
  • Flyers, catalogues and brochures
  • Live social media posting


Even if it’s not an event with lunch and dinner, there has to be some kind of refreshment in the conference at the very least. Following things regarding the serving of food must be on your checklist:

  • Are there any special dietary needs to be taken care of?
  • Will alcohol be served or not?
  • Will there be desserts or not?
  • What about the appetizers?
  • Will the attendees be served lunch boxes or not?
  • Is there a kitchen service at the venue to keep the food warm until served?

For more ideas how events and corporate conferences should be managed and what essential products must be there in a successful corporate event you can visit this website.

The checklist can be as long as you want. There are other aspects that need to be checked like security issues of the venue, how the sponsors of the event will be handled and other issues related to transportation and lodging. However, if you just go by the list, nothing can go wrong at your conference event.

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July 2024