The Cost of Slips, Trips and Falls


If you are the safety manager at your workplace and want to have better safety of the premises, you’re not alone. A clean and safe workplace www. Annual is essential to increased productivity and an accident free workforce. Many owners of businesses dismiss trips slips and falls as a cost of doing business. This is unacceptable as they may be neglecting their responsibility as an employer. But at times it’s not just the employer who is at fault.

The Injury of the Worker Ultimately Costs You

What you should be doing as an employer and safety manager is to ensure that there are fewer chances for employees in the workplace to trip, slip or fall on the job. Their injuries may mean a significant fall in their productivity and increase in absenteeism. The cost that you incur for paid leaves and other compensation is may be incurred separately.

Common Reasons for Slips, Trips and Falls in the Workplace

Workplace accidents include slips trips and falls that could be caused by inadequate lighting. This includes lighting that is too bright, or too dull. They can cause the worker to become disoriented and suffer injuries from slipping and falling over.

It can be caused due to exposed wires and cables that lie trailing on the floor without being covered adequately. Another similar cause for a trip or fall is a grease or liquid spill on the floor. A trip slip or fall may also be caused by an uneven or damaged floor surface. The unevenness of the surface may be caused by a misplaced object in a walkway. This accounted for 15% of claims for trips and falls in the manufacturing sector between 2007/08-2011/12.

One way to prevent injuries from trips slips and falls is to have the adequate level of lighting and conduct ongoing surveys about work safety and health. Preventative measures can be taken as well, such as covering up exposed and trailing cables with a cable wrap from and using well illuminated signs for oil slicks and grease spills to warm about potential a slip and trip hazard.

Workplace Injuries Are Costing Businesses and the Economy

There are some estimates that show injuries and diseases set the Australian economy back by upwards of AU$61 billion in the year 2012-2013. Injuries alone totalled $28 billion. Many of these injuries result from trips and falls and the worst part is that these injuries are preventable.

This overall cost could be reduced if workers were to report their injuries sooner so that they get better treatment and rehabilitation on time. ‘An ounce of prevention is better than the cure’, is a statement that holds true here. Slips, trips and falls can happen at any time, but it is the responsibility of the employer to create a workplace culture that is proactive in dealing with these problems. Trips over wires

It’s their responsibility to put safe work practices in place and empower the employees to make them more aware of the workplace hazards so that the employees can take care of themselves.

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March 2025