In Singapore, where English is used as the bridging language between different ethnic groups, and the language taught and used in schools, it is only natural that most Singaporeans are relatively fluent in it.
However, this can often lead to students not having sufficient practice in their own mother tongues, given that most tend to prefer conversing in English, at home and in school. Thus, this would only naturally lead to a drop in grades for their respective mother tongues.
Mandarin Chinese, is a language that is best taught when young, given its complicated nature. Hence, parents who wish to ensure that their children can become fluent in the language in the future should consider Chinese tuition in Singapore, or at least engage a private Chinese tutor.
It is important that we fix the issue of students struggling in Chinese early on, since learning another language can become tougher as we grow older.
Before hiring a Chinese tutor, here are a few important things to consider…
Understanding How Your Child Learns
Understand that each student has their own unique learning styles, and something that works for one might not work for another.
Parents, if possible, should take the time to observe their children’s learning styles when it comes to languages, and take note of them. They should also encourage their children to try out new learning methods, until they settle on one that works well for them.
Afterwards, the parents should also speak to tutors to learn about their teaching methods to find a tutor that is compatible with their child. This may take some time to do, but is fundamental in ensuring that the child can effectively improve in the Chinese language later.
Know That Improving In A Language Is A Gradual Process
Needless to say, becoming fluent in a language is not something that can be achieved overnight, just like other learned skills, it requires plenty of practice and effort.
Languages are typically one of the hardest skills to master, especially when it has not been taught early on. This is so, because it requires the individual to master four skills- writing, speaking, listening and reading. Thus, many can find learning or improving in a language to be a challenge.
This holds even more true for students that do not typically converse in Chinese, Chinese not being their mother tongue, or are learning the language for the first time.
Hence, to get the most out of receiving Chinese tuition, students must also remain diligent in their own right, and take the initiative to practice it outside of their lesson. Not only that, they should also maintain a positive attitude during lessons, so as to better internalise what they have learnt.
Like any other language, Mandarin Chinese is a language that requires daily practice, thus, parents should also make the effort to converse with them in the said language to speed up their progress.
Working Together With The Tutor
To do well in Chinese, the student, teacher and parents need to work together to better support the student’s academic pursuits. After all, in a child’s educational journey, it is the parents’ and educators’ jobs to ensure a good support system for the child.
Parents and students can speak to the tutor to establish goals that are realistic and well-paced to ensure that the student can cope, and also improve. A good way to begin could be creating a set schedule for daily practices to make sure the student is exposed to the language frequently.
Establishing a good line of communication between parent and teacher is also imperative, since the tutor can update them frequently to give updates on the student’s progression.